赵玫,女,满族,1954年4月生于天津。毕业于南开大学中文系。天津市作家协会主席。第十届、第十一届全国人大代表,第十二届、第十三届全国政协委员,天津文史研究馆馆员,中国作协全委会委员,一级作家,国务院特殊津贴获得者。已出版《朗园》《武则天》《高阳公主》《上官婉儿》《秋天死于冬季》《漫随流水》《林花谢了春红》等长篇小说,《岁月如歌》《我的灵魂不起舞》《寻找伊索尔德》等中短篇小说集,《从这里到永恒》《欲望旅程》《左岸 左岸》《一个女人的精神生活》《博物馆书》等散文随笔集,《赵玫文集》《赵玫作品集》,《阮玲玉》等电视剧本,计九百余万字。曾获第四、第五届全国少数民族文学创作奖。1993年获中国作家协会庄重文文学奖。1994年应美国政府邀请赴美参加“国际访问者计划”。1998年获全国首届鲁迅文学奖。2011年长篇小说《漫随流水》获国家“三个一百”原创图书出版工程奖。2014年《博物馆书》获国家向青少年推荐的优秀图书。部分作品被翻译为英文,并在海外出版。
新近出版的五部当代城市情爱题材的长篇小说,结集为“五叶丛书”,被评论家定位为“对当代各种人物关系进行哲学解读的文学教科书”。 其中《八月末》讲述了一段与现实贴近的都市悲歌。此长篇被评论家称作“中国版的《危险的关系》”。小说讲述发生在海边一群人既离奇又荒诞的故事,表达的是都市人与人之间既暧昧又冷漠、既温存又危险的若即若离的关系。
Zhao Mei
Zhao Mei is of Manchu ethnicity and was born in Tianjin in April 1954. She graduated from the Department of Chinese at Nankai University and is the President of the Tianjin Writers Association, a representative of the 10th and 11th National People’s Congress, member of the 12th and 13th National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, librarian of the Tianjin Institute of Literary History, member of the National Committee of the China Writers’ Association, first class writer, and recipient of special allowances from the State Council. She has published Lang Yuan, Wu Zetian, Gao Yang Princess, Shang Guan Wan Er, Autumn Died in Winter, Floating with the Water, Lin Hua Xie Chunhong, and other novels, Songs of the Year, My Soul Won’t Dance, Finding Isolde and other collections of short stories, From Here to Eternity, The Desire Journey, Left Bank Left Bank, One Woman’s Spiritual Life, The Museum Book and other prose essays, including Zhao Mei Prose Collection, Zhao Mei Book Collection, Ruan Lingyu and other television scripts, with a total of more than 9 million words.
Zhao Mei won the fourth and fifth national ethnic minority literature creation award. In 1993 she won the China Writers Association Zhuang Zhongwen literature prize. In 1994, at the invitation of the US government, she went to the United States to participate in the “International Visitor Program”. In 1998 she won the first Lu Xun Literature Award. The 2011 novel Floating with Water won the national “Three one hundred” original book publishing engineering award. In 2014, the Museum Book won the “excellent books recommended to teenagers by the state” award. Some of her works have been translated into English and published overseas.
Zhao Mei likes painting, music and movies. Duras’ feel for language and high-quality feelings,and Woolf’s calmness and rationality were subtly blended into her. Zhao Mei has always pursued style, temperament, language and thought in her creations and has many female readers.
Zhao Mei’s short stories and novellas have been classified by critics as “avant-garde writing” in the new era of Chinese literature. For example, Witch and Mr. X uncovered the secrets and contradictions of human nature under abnormal conditions. Her historical novels Wu Zetian, Princess Gaoyang and Shang Guan Waner used the theme of the three outstanding females of the Tang Dynasty Palace in China more than 1,300 years ago to write a reflection on the survival and destiny of women in a male-dominated society.
Three novels with more than one million Chinese characters took her more than ten years to complete. For more than 20 years, these books have been published by more than a dozen publishers both at home and abroad, and have become some of the writer’s longest best-selling books. They have been defined by critics as masterpieces of “Chinese New Historic Writing.” The novel Lang Park is a bestseller with hundreds of thousands sold because it shows the close connection between modern Tianjin and Western civilization. As a Manchu, Zhao Mei’s creations always reflect the essence and spirit of the nation. The novel The Woman of Our Family shows the persistence of the inheritance of the national spirit.
Five recently published contemporary urban love story novels were assembled into the “Five-leaf Books” and were deemed by critics to be “literary textbooks that interpret the philosophy of the relationship between various contemporary characters”. End of August tells of an urban sad song that is close to reality. This long article was said by critics to be the “Chinese version of Dangerous Relations”. The novel tells the story of a group of people at the seaside who are bizarre and ridiculous and expresses the relationship between urban people who are both awkward and indifferent and who are both tender and dangerous.